Somebody reads me!

11/14/2005 10:58:00 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Uncle Walter and Uncle Richard were here this weekend past (as you'll see from the pictures below) and I found out not only does my most wonderful Uncle Walter actually read my blog, he visits several times a week to see if I've updated! Someone actually waits for updates! So - I am now being held accountable for updating and feeling the need to update more often. No, I didn't say it would happen, I said I am feeling the need. I shall try, in earnest, to update regularly.

What a wonderful visit we had with our east coast family. I am so very glad they got to come. I am going to try to get together our entire clan for a road trip this summer. And I mean ALL of us, Stef, Dan, Nathan, Jacob, Dave, Sabrina, Josh, Lauren, Alex, Brett, Randy, Lynn, Erica, Amanda, Connor, Robbie, Me, Andrew, Matthew, Sam, Lizzie, Mom & Dad. Wouldn't that be something! Anyway, I've posted only some of the 105 pictures I took of their visit. I'll try to add more as time allows. Friday, Robbie, the kids and I all went to Mom and Dad's, had dinner and pulled out the mandolin, guitar and banjo and just sang and talked. Then Saturday we went to Stef's for a bonfire get together, but it rained so we threw some wood in the barbecue pit, sat in the garage and again, sang and talked. I got to see Walter and Richard briefly Sunday then they headed back early this morning. Was a whirlwind of a visit, but it was a good one! Since I know he's reading - I'll just state my case right now. Uncle Walter - it will NOT be 15 years until our next visit. I promise! And I was glad to see Uncle Richard, also. Maybe I'll get to know him even more, like I've gotten to know Uncle Walter. Isn't e-mail great?

So, in all this excitement, my best friend had her baby today! William Virgil Stone, 11/14/2005, 6 pounds 6 ounces, 19 inches long! They've been trying for 12 years to have a child and out of everyone I know, they deserve it most. They've had 4 wonderful kids, but they were mine. Now she finally has one of her own. I am so very excited for her. She called tonight and was pretty drugged up, but was excited, I could tell. They had to take him c-section because he'd had a bowel movement in utero, so it was critical they get him out of there. They did and he's fine. She's fine, except she just realized she can't give him back and lock the door when he gets to crying! She'll make a wonderful mother.

I found out a few weeks ago that I'm getting a 5% raise after the first of the year and then I found out Saturday that Robbie got a raise last week! So - that's a good thing. I always like to make more money, but then again, I also just want Ed McMahon to visit my doorstep so I can retire and not care what my hourly wage is. Seem selfish? Nah, just pipe dreams.

Sam and Lizzie are doing great in school. Sam's grades are awesome! He has all A's except 2 B's, is on the honor roll for the first time (first time eligible), and is on the homework club because he turned in all homework assignments on time. Lizzie is doing great, they don't have honor roll yet, but her teacher did say she's doing wonderful! Seems like all is going ok in that area.

I don't know what else to write about. WHOA - me! At a loss for words! Shocking. And it's already almost 11. My uncles should be home tomorrow so this will be updated for Uncle Walter's return! HI! I love you! Wish you could've stayed longer. Tell Uncle Richard to get me his e-mail so we can converse!

I think I'm going to bed.